Friday, June 5, 2015

Ms. Miyamoto again

Ariana Miyamoto was crowned as Miss Japan 2015 this year. Due to Ariana Miyamoto being biracial, she has received a bit of prejudices from the Japanese populus (much like Miss America 2014's Nina Davuluri).

In Japan, Miyamoto is known as the racial term "hafu," meaning "half." Miyamoto, however, embraces the term stating, "If I say I am 'Japanese' the reply would be: 'No, you can't be'. People will not believe that. But if I say I am 'hafu', people agree. There is no word like hafu outside Japan, but I think we need it here. In order for us mixed kids to live in Japan, it is indispensible and I value it."

Thought this was pretty interesting, relating to how Japan's culture is changing towards accepting racial diversity similarly to America's evolution as well.

Read more here:


1 comment:

  1. yeah, check out a earlier post about this topic on the blog!
