Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Highlands

This is a map I used last Friday when I hiked the final 15 miles of the West Highland Way in Scotland. On the plane ride over to the UK, I read Travel and one thing that stood out to me was how subway maps, train maps, and even hiking maps really cannot show the true, specific details of a journey. To contrast the data-covered image of the map I added my own photos on top of the areas I took them in. What I like about Travel is the attention to small details that are only really noticed through quiet observation - how light reflects off a lake into a train car, how a window creates a shadow as the sun comes through it. Although my pictures are not really small details, they do show details that I never would have imagined from looking at the map alone, such as the large deforested area halfway through the trail or the numerous small, rocky streams that ran through the first large valley.

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