Wednesday, August 12, 2015

(belated) omiyage

Given : a t-shirt from GU and a capsule machine toy

I knew right away that my given omiyage would need to involve a shirt with English writing on it because there were some really funny ones. There were so many to choose from at GU that I actually ended up buying several for friends and family back home. I thought the one with the phrase “Don’t be late!” on it was especially appropriate for this trip since we were always on the move and because every time we broke up for the evening we would get sent off with the next day’s meeting time and a reminder of why being on time was respectful.

I feel like every time we got together as a group, at least one person would pull out a weird new phone charm or keychain and show it off. I picked the fastfood girl (didn’t get a picture of her but I think it was the one with the fries?) because I thought it reflected the accessibility and amount of food in Japan (something I’ve missed every day since getting back), along with some of the weirder stuff I saw on the trip. It seems like tiny naked women with giant food is quite popular there right now.

Also, I’m sorry Allison! I didn’t realize there was a spot of chocolate on the shirt when I bought it. Kind of a bonus gift, I guess? I ate a ridiculous amount of candy on this trip so it’s fitting.

-- Tess

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