Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Environmental Ironies: Japanese Nuclear Plants to Remain Shuttered + CO2 on the Rise

After the Fukushim Dai-Icho disaster Japan's 48 nuclear reactors across the country were shut down - after a judicial ruling this week they look  like they might remain so, at least in the short-term.

The New York Times reports that a region in Fukui prefecture (just north of Kyoto) is known as "Nuclear Alley" ( 原発銀座 ) because of the 13 reactors packed along a short stretch of coast. A judge was ordered them to remain closed, irking the national government of Shinzo Abe who wants to restart nuclear power throughout the country, though public opinion is still skeptical (as the judge is) about the safety of these reactors if a big earthquake were to hit again.

Reuters just today also reports that Japan's carbon dioxide emissions (that contribute to global warming) hit there second-highest level ever this past year- no doubt this is due in large part to the cessation of nuclear power in Japan, which now has to import and burn coal and natural gas to make up for the loss of electricity production from nuclear power which typically makes makes 26% of Japan's electricity supply.

Japan plans to propose to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 20% in the coming decades, the question is how will they do it?


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