Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It is official: "No UFOs in Japan"

About a week ago there was a report on a rare admission from the Japanese government concerning not just international affairs, but extraterrestrial ones. As the Japan Times reports:

Defense Minister Nakatani, a sober politician with a reputation for thorough understanding, was responding to a question from flamboyant wrestler-turned-lawmaker Antonio Inoki. At a meeting Wednesday of the Upper House Budget Committee, Inoki had asked if aircraft were dispatched to meet extraterrestrial visitors and “whether studies are going on.”

Inoki, known for his outsized chin and trademark red scarf, said he did not know whether or not aliens existed, but he had once seen a mysterious flying object rocket into the air on the horizon and disappear. 

Wednesday’s exchange was not the first official Japanese pronouncement on space aliens and their aircraft.

Every country needs at least one pro-wrestler as a politician, Inoki is Japan's at the moment!

The timing is interesting considering how NASA just  reported last week that they believe that the detection of alien life may happen as early as the next 20 or 30 years!

For my part, I have observed alien life in Japan, like this crazy weevil beetle crawling across my table while staying at a Japanese inn in 2013. It should also be noted: these guys can in fact fly, which UFOs are known to do...

A beautiful book of weevil photos was actually published a few years back, called Micropresence, here is (of all things) someone flipping through its pages.


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