Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Samurai ghosts caught in photo?

ABC news had an intriguing story about a family vacation photo in which the supernatural appears at hand:
" This photo of a four-year-old girl on a beach in Zushi, Japan, seems innocent until you look closely behind her legs and back.  A closer look appears to reveal a mysterious pair of boots and part of a blue shirt peeking out from behind her The photo, which was uploaded to Reddit by a friend of the girl's father, is making the rounds on Internet. Many are speculating the photo shows a Samurai ghost because the beach the girl and her dad were on was across a samurai graveyard."

Apparently many friends vouch for the trustworthinesss of the dad, who is Canadian (a nation of trustworth people, no doubt!).  Apparently the daughter in the photo thinks its funny - and really it is - have ghost taken to photobombing now?  信じられない (that's Japanese for "I can't believe it!")
PHOTO: Martin Springalls daughter is pictured here at age 4 on a beach in Zushi, Japan on July 6, 2014.

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