Monday, July 20, 2015

¥2,000 Gift Thingy

First and foremost, I forgot to take pictures of the objects I gave as a gift - whoopsy me!

Anyways, the objects I chose were a little picture of a sewn gal along with a charm with a similar little gal. Both had the classic flat bangs/long hair wearing kimonos. The reason I chose these is pretty simple: they made me say "aww~"

I like cute things, so I figured I'd spread my fondness through these gifts. I searched around Akihabara since it seemed like it would be the perfect place to find what I was pooking for. Definitely wouldn't say it was "perfect," but there was an abundance of different options.

I was originally going to choose a little anime figurine since I enjoy anime and manga and the like, but my gosh they're pricey. In addition, nothing really seemed like a good gift. I also had the idea to get a plush or stuffed fuzzy thing, but nothing really shouted "DAYUM!" so I decided against that as well. When coming upon a shop with the only relatively well-dressed/groomed folks, that's when I saw it: a little sewn gal in a frame looking like a cute little sonuvabitch.

It was pretty cheap, though, so I searched around for something extra, which is when I happened upon the little charm girl. Within my fits of blushing from cute things, I found the sewn picture to be a really nice art piece and thought it fit well with our careers. The little charm, I think, is perfect for any one of us: it tells us that no matter what, we'll stay true to ourselves and find true happiness because of it (something like that - it was super duper heartwarming).

But... uhh... yeah. Hopefully this is 250 words, I can't really tell since it's on my cell phone. It's sleepy capsule time.

- Zach

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