Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Sandalwood incense comes from a tall evergreen tree cultivated in India, Indonesia and Malaysia, Sandalwood is mentioned in old Sanskrit and Chinese books. Its persistent woody, spicy scent has made it widely used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years.
I decided to choose sandalwood incense as a gift because of its importance meaning in Japan. Used in ceremonies, at home or in temples, the burning of incense serves to purify, acts as a strong form of spiritual offering, or as a way to carry ones prayers to heaven. Incense appreciation is also an art form like flower arrangement and tea ceremony. Japanese incense is the perfect way to set an ambiance. I thought the person receiving my gift could light the incense at their own personal space and be transported back to Japan and remember those beautiful temples, shrines and cemeteries that filled the air with this wonderful smell. 
Japanese incense is unquestionably the finest in the world. The scent of finer Japanese incenses continues to linger in a room long after it has burnt away. Sandalwood incense is sophisticated and has a soothing smell for the pleasure of everyone. Being a devoted fan of incense myself I stocked up while I was in Japan, so it came natural that it was a perfect gift for me to give together with a little silver bamboo holder.
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