Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sorry I also forgot to take a picture of my gift,

  But here is a link to an article about the shrine I got it at

 I had heard about the charm stickers beforehand online, so I decided to stop by the shrine when I went to Akihabara. I chose this gift because I thought it was a good representation of both the first and second week of our trip. We visited many shrines selling little charms early in the trip, though they were fairly traditional wishes - "good fortune", "good luck", "safety in travel", etc. What stuck out to me about this charm was that is was specifically for computers, which seems like a strange charm for a shrine to offer, but I guess it shows the change of the times - specifically in the Tokyo area of Japan. I think it also shows how adaptable these shrines are to their patrons and their needs/wishes. The shrine itself represents the mix of old and new in Tokyo, as the complex sits among apartments building with the high rises of Akihabara in the background. I figured you couldn't get a charm like this for anywhere else in the world, so that's another reason I chose it. Also, my computer always seems like it could use a little help functioning, so hopefully it will help yours Lucia :)

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